Perfectionism & Progress


You sit down to write and have high expectations for yourself & the work. You re-read and feel dissatisfied with what’s on the page. You turn to your favorite books and feel an immense gap between your favorite authors and where you are. You pressure yourself to write every day and feel disappointed when you can’t keep up with your schedule & goals.

…into Progress

You have an open & consistent relationship to your writing practice. You are able to enter your projects and write from anywhere, anytime. You have the tools, reminders, and skills to redirect your worry and form a more motivated perspective as you approach your work. You believe in and trust good writing days and continue to build on your progress as you finish projects and engage in writing community.

6 Asynchronous Modules

  • break out of patterns of overwhelm, guilt, and shame, and create new habits of re-directing worry and celebrating writing progress in order to become more consistent

  • interrogate the skills and habits of thought you’ve developed and re-integrate them into your creative practice with more intentionality so that your survival mode doesn’t activate randomly or constantly

  • re-design the way you write and pursue writing goals to better account for your life as a creative, and keep track of progress in new sustainable ways to stay motivated

  • explore the different states of being and create environments for your writing to flow, as well as making sure you feel safe enough to create

  • design new ways of organizing, tracking, and celebrating writing tasks in order to keep up momentum and inspiration

  • mindset reminders and affirmations to keep you fulfilled as an artist and on the right track to pursuing your purpose in writing

6 Modules.

6 Study Guides.

Endless Inspiration & Redirection

Register for Perfectionism & Progress

  • Create new writing habits & routines

  • Discover your personal affirmations and reminders

  • Escape writer’s block

  • Make progress and finish long-term projects

  • Watch & re-watch video lectures as needed

  • Interactive, personal study guides

Perfectionism & Progress will go live in early 2024

Sign up below for advance access + a discount

Advance Access

Escape the spiral & write consistently