Radical Collapse

100 pages.

12 weeks.

Small groups with feedback.

Unlimited office hours.

Countless mental breakdowns.

Endless support.

Success! This is what 100 pages per writer looks like

How do I write 100 Pages?

  • Radical Collapse is a class filled with the most determined, passionate, and supportive group of writers I’ve ever seen. This is the place to go for thoughtful feedback and fellow writers who will become sincere fans and supporters of your work!

  • No doubt about it— being on a deadline helps the words get written. If you’re someone who benefits from external accountability, get ready to have 10 pages due every Sunday. And if you’re delinquent? You get a fun little email from me…

  • It’s hard to generate pages for a big project alone, without vibe checks along the way. Each week at our class meetings, a different classmate will present on your work and summarize your submission — then we will participate in a feedback format of your choice (see below!)

  • a free-form feedback style where we simply discuss the work as we feel called to, perhaps sharing comments or asking questions

  • what feelings/moods do you get from the piece? (invented by Alice)

  • what elements/items/bits here are interesting enough for you to want to pick up and take home with you/want to know more about? (invented by b)

  • like the children’s game. In other words: “warmer” describes parts/ideas where I’m onto something, “colder” describes parts/ideas where I’m losing it. (invented by Kayla)

  • Readers share which scenes, characters, or themes they want to see more of, and can request what the writer should submit for the following week (invented by Moon Group)

  • What could be fleshed out more? This is kind of a more specific version of the Grocery Store. Help the writer see places where the writing could have more grounding in the scene or more concrete description (doesn’t have to be a judgment call about it needing it, just where it could be expanded), and any questions you have that could be answered by this grounding. (invented by Mary)

Feedback Formats

  • as readers, we share our favorite lines, scenes, or characters

  • your space to talk about the work. Use your time to rant, talk through plot holes or writer’s block, or share whatever you need to share

  • we, the readers, ask you questions about the work

  • you, the writer, ask us questions

  • in this feedback format, we will analyze the text closely and try to spot clues and make predictions about what will happen next. We’ll puzzle out the plot, setting, characters and language to try to discover what larger game is afoot.

Road to 100 pages

Road to 100 pages

 Radical Collapse 2025 Schedule

Winter Session:

January 6 - March 28, 2025

Break week February 17

Spring Session:

April 7 - June 25, 2025

Break week May 19

  • Class length: 1 hour

  • 10 Pages due every Sunday night

  • Classes on Tuesdays or Wednesdays

Register for Radical Collapse

Get ready to write 100 pages!

The winter session is now closed.

The spring 2025 session is OPEN until March 24, or when all spots are filled.

Alumni (those who have successfully completed one 100 page session of Radical Collapse) are eligible to participate in Beast Mode — both sessions, in a row, for a total of 200 pages.

Write. Read. Celebrate.